The University of Ruse develops its international activity through:
- Participation in scientific programmes of the EU: FRAMEWORK PROGRAMMES, HORIZON 2020;
- Participation in academic programmes of EU: CEEPUS, ERASMUS+, ERASMUS MUNDUS, etc.;
- Participation in other EU funding schemes: SCIENCE AND EDUCATION FOR SMART GROWTH OPERATIONAL PROGRAMME, Romania-Bulgaria Cross Border Cooperation Programme, Interreg V-A Romania – Bulgaria, Danube Transnational Programme, COST, etc.
- Programmes for cooperation with Germany - DAAD, Baden-Wuertemberg Stiftung
- Participation in bilateral exchanges with above 110 signed bilateral agreements for institutional partnership with other universities and scientific-research institutes from 31 countries.
- Organization and participation in international events,
- Membership in international organisations - DRC, EUA, VUA, Inter-University Centre-Dubrovnik, BUA, Magna Harta and International Organisation of La Francophonie,
- Organisation of joint studies and awarding of mutually recognised diplomas.
The University of Ruse is one of the first Bulgarian universities which started its participation in the ERASMUS programme. Now there are more than 550 bilateral agreements signed with universities and companies from 53 countries around the world. At least 80 undergraduate, post-graduate and PhD-students are annually involved in all EU exchange programmes.